When to Consider Neuropsychological Testing for Your Child

Adaptive & Problematic Behavior, Blog, IQ, Learning Disabilities

As a mental health clinic in Denver, neuropsychological testing is a topic that we engage in often. There is a lot of confusion revolving around neuropsychological testing since most people are unfamiliar with the term. However, it is an important part of mental health since neuropsychological can reveal and rule out many mental health disorders.

Usually, our Denver psychologists recommend neuropsychological testing when there are concerns about a child’s development. Typically, the topic comes up when issues with development start to become increasingly evident or cause disruption or difficulty in a child’s life. However, it is also common for neuropsychological testing to be recommended by other doctors for children who have been diagnosed with certain medical or genetic issues. This is a service we are happy to provide.

What Is Involved in a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of all cognitive functions and abilities. These include executive functioning, memory, attention-related issues, motor skills, academic capabilities, social behaviors, and more.

The goal of neuropsychological testing is to identify an individual’s emotional and behavioral strengths and weaknesses so that specific strategies can be implemented to help them lead a happy, successful life. Subsequent testing can also be used to track progress and gauge responses to strategies and interventions.

Reasons to Consider Evaluation

There are many reasons that a parent may want to consider having their child evaluated. Specifically, if a family has concerns about any of the following areas, neuropsychological testing may be a good idea:

  • Cognitive functions: Difficulties with reasoning and problem solving, the need for additional time or repetition while learning, and delays in adaptive functional could indicate a cognitive deficit.
  • Academic concerns: Common academic concerns that could indicate the need for evaluation include poor grades, difficulties with core subjects (reading, writing, and math), difficulty with completing school work on time, and continual feelings of frustration during academic activities.
  • Communication: Communication issues include but are not limited to difficulty expressing oneself or communicating with others, repetitive or unusual use of language, pronoun reversals, and difficulty understanding sarcasm.
  • Emotional issues: Irritability, difficulty sleeping or eating, poor self-esteem, frequent emotional outbursts, and other emotional behaviors can indicate a presence of cognitive issues.
  • Social issues: Social issues include difficulty interacting or playing with others, poor relationships with peers, isolation, and limited interest in others could indicate social concerns.
  • Other concerns: Additional concerns include lack of self-regulation, poor motor skills, repetitive behaviors, aggression, and visual-spatial difficulties to name a few.

If any of these concerns arise, it’s best to seek the advice of a licensed health professional. A medical professional, such as a doctor or therapist, will be able to assess the situation and, if deemed necessary, accurately conduct a neuropsychological evaluation. In Denver, there are many clinics that provide this service, ours included.

Schedule an Appointment

If you would like to schedule an appointment for neuropsychological testing in Denver for your child, please contact our office. One of our staff members will be able to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
