Social Communication Disorder Vs. Autism Symptoms


Autism symptoms are quickly becoming more recognizable and better understood by families and doctors alike. This makes it easier for families to get a diagnosis quickly so they can pursue therapy and find treatments to help their loved ones to be their best selves. But with a better understanding of autism and its symptoms comes an increased understanding of other conditions. Social communication disorder is one of them. Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms and how they compare to autism symptoms.

Social Communication Disorder Explained

Social Communication Disorder is just that—a condition where an individual finds it difficult to communicate. Most often, this happens in social settings. After all, families know their loved ones and can typically understand what they’re trying to say even when it’s not clear to others.

People with the disorder might find it difficult to understand when someone is being serious or sarcastic, interpret different tones or facial expressions, or follow patterns of conversation and taking turns with others.

Many people with Social Communication Disorder also have trouble interacting with others. This can make school or work environments tough. It may also create difficulties in building friendships, especially for children who may not recognize their symptoms or have the tools they need to communicate more effectively.

The exact symptoms may vary from person to person. But with treatment and ongoing therapy, it is possible to improve those communication skills over time.

Autism Similarities & Differences

People with Social Communication Disorder exhibit many of the same symptoms as people on the autism spectrum. But that doesn’t mean they’re also on the spectrum. In fact, Social Communication Disorder is a completely different condition and diagnosis and getting diagnosed with the disorder doesn’t guarantee that an autism diagnosis will follow.

It’s true that people with autism symptoms have many of the same communication challenges. But they also have other underlying symptoms that set them apart from individuals with Social Communication Disorder.

People with autism often have repetitive habits and mannerisms or possess an intense fascination with a single hobby or subject. Often, these repetitive behaviors show up when the person is younger. This allows doctors and therapists to provide a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder at a younger age.

Social Communication Disorder can’t be diagnosed until a child develops spoken communication skills. These can be incredibly basic, but they should show clear signs of struggling to participate or understand social situations.
Autism Symptoms Are Similar, but Still Unique
Think of Social Communication Disorder as a part of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s one of the most common autism symptoms out there. And most people with autism experience difficulty communicating with others. But that difficulty understanding social situations doesn’t guarantee autism. Without the other symptoms in place, it’s best to treat it as a completely separate disorder.

Get More Information
If you think your child or loved one may have social communication disorder or could be on the autism spectrum, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment today and start getting the help you need to better help them.
