Insightful Autism Facts for Families, Friends & Caregivers


As a parent, you want people to treat your child with respect. But when they’re diagnosed with autism, getting people to see beyond the label and get to know your child is difficult at best. This is due to a severe lack of information and education among both family members and the community at large. Here are a few great autism facts to share with others so they can better understand and appreciate your child for the person they are.

There’s No One Form of Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is just that…a spectrum. This means that no two individuals will have the same symptoms and experiences. A diagnosis doesn’t tell strangers where someone falls on the spectrum. Only taking the time to get to know them will. And people can’t just look at someone on the street and say “Oh, they must have autism!” It’s unique to every patient.

There’s No Cure

Well-meaning friends and family may ask what you’re doing to cure your child. One of the most important autism facts is that there is no cure. There are dozens of treatments and therapies that can help your child adjust to the world around them, but there’s no way to cure their autism symptoms. Remember, it’s not an illness or a disease—it’s a disorder that, with proper treatment, can allow your child to live a unique and meaningful life. “Curing” autism would be like curing a key part of their personality. It’s silly and demeaning.

Autism Symptoms Can Change with Their Mood

Autism symptoms vary from child to child. And it’s entirely possible that your child’s symptoms will change with their moods and their nerves. For example, if your child is having a great day, you might not notice any symptoms at all. But if they’re nervous or anxious, they could start looking for comfort in repetitive motions or withdraw into themselves completely. And they might even develop new behaviors as they grow older. This is normal and with regular family therapy sessions, you’ll have the tools to help manage their symptoms and explain to others how to help your child best.

Being Autistic Doesn’t Mean Having a Low Quality of Life

Unlike some disorders, an autism diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean your child won’t have a full and interesting life. It all depends on the severity of their condition. If they’re diagnosed with high-functioning or mild autism, they’ll be able to function in society much like anyone else. And even if they have more severe symptoms, they can still thrive as individuals. The key is in early intervention. The sooner you get help for their symptoms, the better adjusted they’ll be in challenging social situations.

Get Professional Help

Autism is nothing to be ashamed of. It just requires a bit more patience and understanding. Use these autism facts to help explain your child’s diagnosis to friends and family who may be confused about how to interact with them. And don’t hesitate to reach out for help. With the right tools and techniques in place, your child can and will thrive. To get advice from an expert, please contact our Denver office.
