Autism: Common Signs of Autism in Adults


Autism affects people of all ages. Just because you weren’t diagnosed as a child doesn’t mean it’s not possible that you’re on the autism spectrum. There are many adults who discover they’re on the spectrum long after graduating college and starting their careers. But how do you know if you or your loved one should seek a formal diagnosis? Here are a few signs of autism in adults.

Avoiding Social Situations and Interactions

Adults with autism tend to prefer being alone or interacting with a few close friends at any given time. This is because social situations make them uncomfortable. Conversation isn’t easy and unless someone has common interests or is a known acquaintance, finding topics to talk about feels like a huge challenge. There’s nothing wrong with this—it just means they process social situations differently. Family autism therapy can help you create better responses and overcome the anxiety common in social situations.

Intense Interest in a Single Subject

Adults are relatively set in their ways. We nurture the hobbies and talents we developed in childhood. And one of the most common signs of autism in adults is the intense fascination or interest in a single subject. If you or your loved one is particularly passionate about a hobby or is only interested in talking about a single subject, they may be on the autism spectrum.

Hypersensitivity to Physical Stimuli

Many people on the autism spectrum experience hypersensitivity to physical stimuli like smell, touch, and hearing. When the stimuli is strong, the sensation can feel almost painful and the hypersensitivity can range in its severity. Some people on the spectrum may find it incredibly painful when others hug or touch them. Others may experience the same sensitivity as an annoyance.

Body Language Is a Mystery

Most people communicate without using words. They rely on body language to interpret moods, ask for clarification, and even to joke around. For adults on the autism spectrum, body language can feel like a complete mystery. They notice the movements, but can’t attribute any meaning to the movements, gestures, or facial expressions. Family autism therapy can help explain body language and improve responses to those non-verbal cues.

Eye Contact is Difficult

Among the most common signs of autism in adults is the tendency to find eye contact difficult. Eye contact is an important social ability especially for adults in the workplace. When you interview, you’re expected to make eye contact to express your interest in the position. Socially, eye contact shows that you’re paying attention to the other person and are emotionally invested in the conversation. There are methods you can use to appear to make eye contact without enduring the discomfort. You just need someone to show you how.

Schedule an Appointment
For many people, coping with the signs of autism in adults is difficult. You don’t want to feel ostracized, judged, or otherwise inferior to others in your life. This can leave many people feeling depressed and anxious. Family autism therapy can help you and your loved ones better navigate the symptoms and help you establish healthy coping mechanisms that allow you to be your true self. Schedule an appointment with our experienced staff today.
